Sunday, February 04, 2007

5tH w3eK oF fY'07

wednesday met up wif xiao mei again cos she still no mood and dun wanna go hm too aly... met up wif her at yishun and waited for her fren b4 proceeding to acc her fren take dinner and going to partyworld at yishun safra for ktv session... after ktv acc her fren home b4 i acc her hm den i go home... slpin late again...

as mentioned in my previous post i'd be workin 8am for the whole week but last minute situation arised on wed tt i'd haf to do duty on thurs cos the person on duty is on mc due to bike accident and in such short notice unable to get other ppl to take over his place so i was arrowed... i dun mind cos after doin it i'll haf a long weekend which is a gd thing and tt i'm owed 4 thursday duty due to doin 4 friday duty...

was hopin to slp aly but too much stuff to clear so no choice had to clear them b4 i njoy my long weekend... by the time i finished doin them it was lyk 1am so only slept for lyk 6hours ba... while clearing my stuff there was this fly tt was irritating me... spent 15mins tryin to kill it but to no avail so gave up... after duty went home and slept at ard 11plus in the morning cos was too tired due to insufficient slp... slept for bout 2hours plus b4 awakened by a phone call from base... damn... the bugger who called me oso dunno how to be automatic... know i slpin still tok so long on the phone tellin me so much stuff which i wont b able to get a clear picture without being in base... tok and tok for bout half an hour b4 he finally let me off... but my mood for slpin oredi being put off by him liao... so woke up and watch tv... damn sian... met up wif xiao mei again for dinner cos no one was at home and my mum nv cook dinner didnt feel lyk eatin alone so went down to her workplace to wait for her to knock off and acc me... hehe... had dinner and chatted for awhile b4 sending her home cos she haven been slpin well for the past few days... reached home bout 12pm den watch tv till 12plus b4 retiring to my room for some hk drama... called up kelle and chatted wif her for an hour plus b4 we both hang up and go to dreamland...

woke up ard 12plus ba wen no one was at home... had brunch and slack till 4plus b4 leaving for my aunt's salon for hair cut cos was caught for long hair in base... no choice den met up wif wei wee, jia wen and patrick for dinner den acc them go marina and suntec for cny shopping... i only play the role for choosing and givin comments... i'm not buyin cos i sort of done my shoppin for cny except for a pair of shoes which i've yet to decide wat type of shoes to buy... difficult to decide lei... haha... reached hm ard 1plus by taking a ride hm from wei wee... wad are brothers for rite... haha... too bad i got no car if not i wouldnt haf to trouble him... so here i am backdating my blog entries due to my absence of posting... mabbi cos i was home aly ba... hee... gonna stay home on sunday again... haiz... feelin tt there;s something missin in my life...

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